Configuring BGP globally

Table 34: Global BGP configuration commands

Command syntax



CLI reference

router bgp as-#

no router bgp

Configures a BGP routing process.

Not enabled.

Configuring a BGP routing process

bgp router-id router-id

no bgp router id

Configures a fixed router ID for the local Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing process.

  Configuring a fixed router ID for local BGP routing process

Parameters network ipv4/mask [route-map route-map-name]

To specify the networks to be advertised by the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing processes, use the network command.

  Specifying the networks to be advertised by the BGP routing process

Parameters bgp timers keep-alive hold-time

To adjust BGP network timers, use the bgp timers command in router configuration mode.

  Adjusting BGP network timers

Parameters enable


Re-enables the state contained within this node and all child nodes of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) process.


Re-enabling state contained within nodes of BGP processes