ip dns domain-name
ip dns domain-name
no ip dns domain-name
Used at the global config level to configure the domain suffix that is automatically appended to the hostname entered with a command supporting DNS operation. Configuring the domain suffix is optional if you plan to use fully qualified domain names in all cases instead of just entering hostnames. The
form of the command removes the configured domain name suffix.
Example input
Suppose you want to configure the following on the switch:
the address 2001:db8::127:10 which identifies a DNS server in the domain named mygroup.hpnetworking.net
a priority of 1 for the above server
the domain suffix mygroup.hpnetworking.net
Switch(config)# ip dns server priority 1 2001:db8::127:10
Switch(config)# ip dns domain-name mygroup.hpnetworking.net
Switch(config)# ping6 mars-1
fe80::215:60ff:fe7a:adc0 is alive, time = 1 ms
However, for the same “mars-1” device, if mygroup.hpnetworking.net was not the configured domain name, you would have to use the fully qualified domain name for the device named mars-1:
Switch# ping6 mars-1.mygroup.hpnetworking.net
For further information and examples on using the DNS feature, see “DNS Resolver” in the Troubleshooting appendix, in the current Management and Configuration Guide for your switch.