Viewing the current telnet activity on a switch

Output for show telnet with three sessions active


show telnet

This command shows the active incoming and outgoing Telnet sessions on the switch (for both IPv4 and IPv6). Command output includes the following:

Session: The session number. The switch allows one outbound session and up to five inbound or outbound sessions.

Privilege: Manager or Operator.

From: Console (for outbound sessions) or the source IP address of the inbound or outbound session.

To: The destination of the outbound session, if in use.

Switch# show telnet

 Telnet Activity

 Session  : 1
 Privilege: Manager
 From     : Console
 To       :
 Session  : 2
 Privilege: Manager
 From     : 2540:0:260:212::2:219
 To       :
 Session  : ** 3
 Privilege: Manager
 From     : fe80::2:101
 To       :

The ** in Session: indicates the session through which show telnet was run.

This output shows that the switch is running one outbound IPv4 session and is being accessed by two inbound or outbound sessions.