Copying files over IPv6 using TFTP

Use the TFTP copy commands described in this section to:

  • Download specified files from a TFTP server to a switch on which TFTP client functionality is enabled.

  • Upload specified files from a switch, on which TFTP server functionality is enabled, to a TFTP server.


copy tftp <target> <ipv6–addr> <filename>

Copies (downloads) a data file from a TFTP server at the specified IPv6 address to a target file on a switch that is enabled with TFTP server functionality.

<ipv6–addr> : If this is a link-local address, use this IPv6 address format:

fe80::<device–id> %vlan <vid>

For example: fe80::123%vlan10

If this is a global unicast address, use this IPv6 format:


For example: 2001:db8::123

<target> : One of the following values:

command–file : Copies a file stored on a remote host and executes the ACL command script on the switch. Depending on the ACL commands stored in the file, one of the following actions is performed in the running-config file on the switch:

  • A new ACL is created.

  • An existing ACL is replaced.

  • match, permit, or deny statements are added to an existing ACL.For more information on ACLs, see the ArubaOS-Switch Access Security Guide for your switch.

config <filename> : Copies the contents of a file on a remote host to a configuration file on the switch.

flash <primary|secondary> : Copies a software file stored on a remote host to primary or secondary flash memory on the switch. To run a newly downloaded software image, enter the reload or boot system flash command.

pub–key–file : Copies a public-key file to the switch.

startup-config : Copies a configuration file on a remote host to the startup configuration file on the switch.


copy <source> tftp <ipv6–addr> <filename> <pc|unix>

Copies (uploads) a source data file on a switch that is enabled with TFTP server functionality to a file on the TFTP server at the specified IPv6 address, where <source> is one of the following values:

command–output <cli–command> : Copies the output of a CLI command to the specified file on a remote host.

config <filename> : Copies the specified configuration file to a remote file on a TFTP server.

crash–data <slot-id|master> : Copies the contents of the crash data file to the specified file path on a remote host. The crash data is software-specific and used to determine the cause of a system crash. You can copy crash information from an individual slot or from the master crash file on the switch.

crash–log <slot-id|master> : Copies the contents of the crash log to the specified file path on a remote host. The crash log contains processor-specific operational data that is used to determine the cause of a system crash. You can copy the contents of the crash log from an individual slot or from the master crash log on the switch.

event–log : Copies the contents of the Event Log on the switch to the specified file path on a remote host.

flash <primary|secondary> : Copies the software file used as the primary or secondary flash image on the switch to a file on a remote host.

startup-config : Copies the startup configuration file in flash memory to a remote file on a TFTP server.

running-config : Copies the running configuration file to a remote file on a TFTP server.

<ipv6–addr> :

If this is a link-local address, use this IPv6 address format: fe80::<device–id> %vlan <vid> :

For example: fe80::123%vlan10

If this is a global unicast address, use this IPv6 format: <ipv6–addr>

For example: 2001:db8::123