IP preserve configuration file download to an IPv6-based switch
Enter the TFTP
command to copy the file as the new startup-config file on a switch. When you download an IP Preserve configuration file, the following rules apply:
- If the switch's current IPv6 address for VLAN 1 was statically configured and not dynamically assigned by a DHCP/Bootp server, the switch reboots and retains its current IPv6 address, subnet mask, and gateway address. All other configuration settings in the downloaded configuration file are applied.
- If the switch's current IPv6 address for VLAN 1 was assigned from a DHCP server and not statically configured, IP preserve is suspended. The IPv6 addressing specified in the downloaded configuration file is implemented when the switch copies the file and reboots.
- If the downloaded file specifies DHCP/Bootp as the source for the IPv6 address of VLAN 1, the switch uses the IPv6 address assigned by the DHCP/Bootp server.
- If the file specifies a dedicated IPv6 address and subnet mask for VLAN 1 and a Gateway IPv6 address, the switch implements these settings in the startup-config file.