OSPF global and interface settings
When first enabling OSPF, you may want to consider configuring ranges and restricting redistribution (if an ASBR is used) to avoid unwanted advertisements of external routes. You may also want to enable the OSPF trap and authentication features to enhance troubleshooting and security. However, Hewlett Packard Enterprise generally recommends that the remaining parameters with non-null default settings be left as-is until you have the opportunity to assess OSPF operation and determine whether any adjustments to non-default settings is warranted.
Set global level parameters in the
context of the CLI. To access this context level, ensure that routing is enabled, then execute
router ospf
at the global CONFIG level. For example:
switch(config)# router ospf
Use the VLAN interface context to set interface level OSPF parameters for the desired VLAN. To access this context level, use
vlan vid
either to move to the VLAN context level or to specify that context from the global config level. For example, both of the following command sets achieve the same result:
switch(config)# vlan 8
switch(vlan-8)# cost 15
switch(config)# vlan 8 cost 15