Indicating the cost per-interface


ip ospf [ip-address|all] cost 1-65535

Used in the VLAN context to indicate the overhead required to send a packet across an interface. You can modify the cost to differentiate between 100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps) links.

Allows different costs for different subnets in the VLAN.

ip ospf cost 1-65535

Assigns the specified cost to all networks configured on the VLAN.

ip ospf ip-address cost 1-65535

Assigns the specified cost to the specified subnet on the VLAN.

ip ospf all cost 1-65535

Assigns the specified cost to all networks configured on the VLAN. (Operates the same as the ip ospf cost option, above.)

Default: 1; range 1–65535