Creating or editing an ACL offline
The section titled Editing an existing ACL describes how to use the CLI to edit an ACL, and is most applicable in cases where the ACL is short or there is only a minor editing task to perform. The offline method provides an alternative to using the CLI for creating or extensively editing a large ACL. This section describes how to:
Move an existing ACL to a TFTP server
Use a text (.txt) file format to create a new ACL or edit an existing ACL offline
Use TFTP to load an offline ACL into the switch’s running-config
For longer ACLs that may be difficult or time-consuming to accurately create or edit in the CLI, you can use the offline method described in this section.
commands that used either
also include an option to use
as a source or destination device for file transfers. So although the following example highlights tftp, bear in mind that
can also be used to transfer ACLs to and from the switch.
If a transport error occurs, the switch does not execute the command and the ACL is not configured.