Viewing sFlow Configuration and Status (CLI)

The following sFlow commands allow you to display sFlow configuration and status through the CLI Viewing sFlow destination information is an example of sflow agent information.


show sflow agent

Displays sFlow agent information. The agent address is normally the IP address of the first VLAN configured.

The show sflow agent command displays read-only switch agent information. The version information shows the sFlow version, MIB support, and software versions; the agent address is typically the IP address of the first VLAN configured on the switch.

Viewing sflow agent information

switch# show sflow agent

  Version          1.3;XX.11.40
  Agent Address


show sflow <receiver instance> destination

Displays information about the management station to which the sFlow sampling-polling data is sent.

The show sflow instance destination command includes information about the management-station's destination address, receiver port, and owner, as shown in the following example.

Viewing sFlow destination information

switch# show sflow 2 destination

  Destination Instance        2
  sflow                       Enabled
  Datagrams Sent              221
  Destination Address
  Receiver Port               6343
  Owner                       Administrator, CLI-owned, Instance 2
  Timeout (seconds)           99995530
  Max Datagram Size           1400
  Datagram Version Support    5
Note the following details:
  • Destination Address remains blank unless it has been configured.
  • Datagrams Sent shows the number of datagrams sent by the switch agent to the management station since the switch agent was last enabled.
  • Timeout displays the number of seconds remaining before the switch agent will automatically disable sFlow (this is set by the management station and decrements with time).
  • Max Datagram Size shows the currently set value (typically a default value, but this can also be set by the management station).


show sflow <receiver instance> sampling-polling <port-list/range>

Displays status information about sFlow sampling and polling.

The show sflow instance sampling-polling [port-list] command displays information about sFlow sampling and polling on the switch, as shown in the following example. You can specify a list or range of ports for which to view sampling information.

Figure 26: Example: Viewing sFlow sampling and polling information

The sampling and polling instances (noted in parentheses) coupled to a specific receiver instance are assigned dynamically, and so the instance numbers may not always match. The key thing to note is whether sampling or polling is enabled on a port, and the sampling rates or polling intervals for the receiver instance configured on each port.