Listing authorized and detected MAC addresses


show mac-address [port-list|mac-address|vlan <vid>]

Without an optional parameter, show mac-address lists the authorized MAC addresses that the switch detects on all ports.

mac-address: Lists the specified MAC address with the port on which it is detected as an authorized address.

port list: Lists the authorized MAC addresses detected on the specified port(s).

vlan <vid> : Lists the authorized MAC addresses detected on ports belonging to the specified VLAN.

Show mac-address outputs

switch(config)# show mac-address
 Status and Counters - Port Address Table

  MAC Address   Port  VLAN
  ------------- ----- ----
  00000c-07ac00 7     1
  0000aa-9c09cb 7     1
  000102-f215c7 5     100
  0018fe-a5e504 1     222

switch(config)# show mac-address 7
 Status and Counters - Port Address Table - 7

  MAC Address   VLANs
  ------------- ------------
  00000c-07ac00 1
  0000aa-9c09cb 1

switch(config)# show mac-address 00000c-07ac00
 Status and Counters - Address Table - 00000c-07ac00

 Port  VLAN
 ----- ----
 5     100

switch(config)# show mac-address vlan 1
 Status and Counters - Address Table - VLAN 1

  MAC Address   Port
  ------------- -----
  00000c-07ac00 1
  000050-53c774 1
  0000aa-9c09cb 1