Viewing information about statistics on one or more mirroring policies
[show | clear] statistics policy policy-name port port-num
[show | clear] statistics policy policy-name vlan vid in
show |
Displays the statistics for a specified policy applied to a specified port or VLAN. |
clear |
Clears statistics for the specified policy and port or VLAN. |
policy-name |
The name of the policy. |
port-num |
The number of the port on which the policy is applied (single port only, not a range.) |
vid |
The number or name of the vlan on which the policy is applied. VLAN ID numbers range from 1 to 4094. |
in |
Indicates that statistics are shown for inbound traffic only. |
show statistics policy output for a mirroring policy shows the number of packets (in parentheses) that have been mirrored for each match/ignore statement in the mirroring policy.