Migration to release K.14.01 or greater
If a switch is running software release K.12.xx, you must first upgrade to release K.13.xx before migrating the switch to release K.14.01 or greater.
When you download and boot software release K.14.01 or greater on a switch that is running release K.13.xx and has one or more mirroring sessions configured, an ACL-based mirroring configuration on a port or VLAN interface is mapped to a class and policy configuration based on the ACL.
The new mirroring policy is automatically configured on the same port or VLAN interface on which the mirroring ACL was assigned. The behavior of the new class and mirroring-policy configuration exactly matches the traffic-selection criteria and mirroring destination used in the ACL-based session.)
Mirroring configuration in show run output in release K.13.xx and Mirroring configuration in show run output in release K.14.01 or greater show how ACL-based selection criteria in a mirroring session are converted to a classifier-based policy and class configuration when you install release K.14.01 or greater on a switch.