Display configuration

The following example is the output showing which interfaces has RA-DNS suppressed.

Displaying the configuration

Switch(config)# show ipv6 nd ra

  IPv6 Router Advertisement Configuration
  Global RA Suppress:    : No
  Global RA-DNS Suppress : Yes
  Global Hop Limit       : 64
  IPv6 Unicast Routing   : Disabled

          Suppress Suppress Interval Lifetime Mngd Other RCH Time Interval Hop
Interface RA       RA-DNS   Min/Max   (sec)   Flag Flag  (ms)      (ms)    Lim
--------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- ----- -------- -------- ---
vlan-1    No       No       200/600  1800     No   No    0        0        64
vlan-2    No       Yes      200/600  1800     No   No    0        0        64
vlan-3    No       No       200/600  1800     No   No    0        0        64

Output from running-config command with router advertisement DNS suppressed

Switch(config)# show running-config

Running configuration:

; J8698A Configuration Editor; Created on release #K.15.10.XXXX
; Ver #03:01.1f.ef:f2

Hostname “ Switch”
module 1 type J9550A
ipv6 nd suppress-ra-dns
vlan 1
   name “DEFAULT_VLAN”
   untagged A1-A24
   ip address dhcp-bootp
vlan 2
   name “vlan2”
   no ip address
   ipv6 nd ra suppress-dns