Viewing a switch's VLAN configuration

The show vlans command lists the VLANs currently running in the switch, with VID, VLAN name, and VLAN status. Dynamic VLANs appear only if the switch is running with GVRP enabled, and one or more ports has dynamically joined an advertised VLAN. In the default configuration, GVRP is disabled.


show vlans
Maximum VLANs to support

Shows the number of VLANs the switch can currently support. Default is 256, Maximum 2048

Primary VLAN

The Primary VLAN is the VLAN the switch uses to run and manage these features and data.

Management VLAN

Configuring a secure Management VLAN creates an isolated network for managing the switches that support this feature.

802.1Q VLAN ID

The VLAN identification number, or VID.


The default or specified name assigned to the VLAN. For a static VLAN, the default name consists of VLAN-x where x matches the VID assigned to that VLAN. For a dynamic VLAN, the name consists of GVRP_x where x matches the applicable VID.


Port-Based, static VLAN


Protocol-Based, static VLAN


Port-Based, temporary VLAN learned through GVRP


Indicates whether a port-based VLAN is configured as a voice VLAN.


Indicates whether a VLAN is configured for Jumbo packets.

Viewing VLAN listing with GVRP enabled

The listing from the show vlans command when GVRP is disabled (the default) and Dynamic VLANs do not exist on the switch.

switch# show vlans

 Status and Counters - VLAN Information

  Maximum VLANs to support : 256
  Management VLAN :

  VLAN ID Name                 | Status     Voice Jumbo
  ------- -------------------- + ---------- ----- -----
  1       DEFAULT_VLAN         | Port-based No    No
  10      VLAN_10              | Port-based Yes   Yes
  15      VLAN_15              | Port-based No    No
  20      VLAN_20              | Protocol   No    No
  33      VLAN_33              | Dynamic    No    No