Diagnostic table

To accomplish this

Do this


Soft Reset (Standalone switch)

Press and release the Reset button

The switch operating system is cleared gracefully (such as data transfer completion, temporary error conditions are cleared), then reboots and runs self tests.

Hard Reset (Standalone switch)

Press and hold the Reset button for more than 5 seconds (until all LEDs turn on), then release.

The switch reboots, similar to a power cycle. A hard reset is used, for example, when the switch CPU is in an unknown state or not responding.

Delete console and management access passwords

Press Clear for at least one second, but not longer than 5 seconds.

The switch deletes all access password.

Restore the factory default configuration

  1. Press Clear and Reset simultaneously.

  2. While continuing to press Clear, release Reset.

  3. When the Test LED begins blinking (after approximately 25 seconds), release Clear.

The switch removes all configuration changes, restores the factory default configuration, and runs self test.

Diagnostic reset

  1. Press Clear to 30–40 seconds.

  2. When the test LED begins blinking (approximately after 30 seconds), release Clear.


Releasing the Clear button when TEST LED is not blinking (approximately after 40 seconds ) will not honor the diagnostic reset request.

This initiates diagnostic reset, collects diagnostic information, and reboots the switch.


These buttons are provided for the user’s convenience. If switch security is a concern, ensure that the switch is installed in a secure location, such as a locked writing closet. To disable the buttons, use the front-panel-security command.