Configuring the MAC address count option

The MAC Address Count feature provides a way to notify the switch management system when the number of MAC addresses learned on a switch port exceeds the permitted configurable number.

To enable the mac-count-notify option, enter this command in global config context.


no snmp-server enable traps mac-count-notify

Sends a trap when the number of MAC addresses learned on the specified ports exceeds the configured <learned-count> value.

To configure the mac-count-notify option on a port or ports, enter this command. When the configured number of MAC addresses is exceeded (the learned-count), a trap is sent.


no mac-count-notify traps <port-list> [<learned-count>]

Configures mac-count-notify traps on the specified ports (or all) for the entire switch.

The no form of the command disables mac-count-notify traps.

[<learned-count>]: The number of MAC addresses learned before sending a trap. Values range between 1-128.

Default: 32

Configuring mac-count notify traps on ports 5–7

switch (config)# mac-count-notify traps 5-7 50