Configure password composition
To configure the password composition policy
for all users, which includes the minimum number of characters from
the set of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, special characters,
and numbers, enter the password composition
The minimum password length must be equal or greater than the sum
of the password composition.
In this example, we set the password special characters parameter to 3.
switch# password composition specialcharacter 3
show password-configuration
displays the configuration changes:switch# show password-configuration Global password control configuration Password control : Enabled Password history : Enabled Number of history records : 8 Password aging : Enabled Aging time : 60 days Early notice on password expiration : 7 days Minimum password update interval : 24 hours Expired user login : 3 login attempts in 30 days Password minimum length : 10 User login details checking : Enabled Password composition Lower case : 2 characters Upper case : 2 characters Special character : 3 characters Number : 2 characters Repeat password checking : Disabled Username checking : Disabled Repeat characters checking : Disabled