tls application


tls application {web-ssl | openflow | syslog | tr69 | cloud | radsec | all} lowest-version {tls1.0 | tls 1.1| tls 1.2 | default }
          [cipher {<cipher-name> | all} | disable-cipher {<cipher-name>}]
no tls application {web-ssl | openflow | syslog | tr69 | cloud | radsec | all} lowest-version {tls1.0 | tls 1.1| tls 1.2 | default }
          [cipher {<cipher-name> | all} | disable-cipher {<cipher-name>}]


Configures the lowest version of TLS and the cipher suite for an application. For successful connections, TLS version must be equal or greater than the configured version.

The no form of the command resets to the default tls version.

Command context



switch (config)# tls application radsec
lowest-version        Configure the lowest version of TLS for applications.
switch (config)# tls application radsec lowest-version
default               Configure the default version of TLS1.1 as the lowest
                       version of TLS for the specified application
tls1.0                Configure TLS1.0 as the lowest version of TLS for the
                       specified application
tls1.1                Configure TLS1.1 as the lowest version of TLS for the
                       specified application
tls1.2                Configure TLS1.2 as the lowest version of TLS for the
                       specified application
switch (config)# tls application radsec lowest-version default
Do you want to terminate the existing TLS or SSL sessions (y/n)? y