Creating a syslog certificate using EST server

  • IDEVID certificate must be present on the switch.

  • Add IDEVID TA certificate in EST server TA certificate database.

  • Add EST server TA certificate in switch TA profile.

  • Synchronize time between switch and the EST server.

  1. Manually configure EST server profile such as profile name, server URL, retry interval, retry count, and authorization mechanism. The switch connects with EST server through the configured URL. For EST server configurations, see EST server configuration commands.
  2. Create a TA profile.
    crypto pki ta-profile ta-est
  3. Configure enrollment CLI for application certficates using est profile in the templates. For EST certificate enrollment, see EST certificate enrollment command.
  4. Verify the enrollment of syslog certificate. For more information on EST, refer EST and its application.