IP address advertisements

In the default operation, if a port belongs to only one static VLAN, the port advertises the lowest-order IP address configured on that VLAN. If a port belongs to multiple VLANs, the port advertises the lowest-order IP address configured on the VLAN with the lowest VID. If the qualifying VLAN does not have an IP address, the port advertises as its IP address. For example, if the port is a member of the default VLAN (VID=1), and there is an IP address configured for the default VLAN, the port advertises this IP address. In the default operation, the IP address that LLDP uses can be an address acquired by DHCP or Bootp.

You can override the default operation by configuring the port to advertise any IP address that is manually configured on the switch, even if the port does not belong to the VLAN configured with the selected IP address (Configuring a remote management address for outbound LLDP advertisements (CLI)). (Note that LLDP cannot be configured through the CLI to advertise an addresses acquired through DHCP or Bootp. However, as mentioned above, in the default LLDP configuration, if the lowest-order IP address on the VLAN with the lowest VID for a given port is a DHCP or Bootp address, the switch includes this address in its LLDP advertisements unless another address is configured for advertisements on that port.) Also, although LLDP allows configuring multiple remote management addresses on a port, only the lowest-order address configured on the port will be included in outbound advertisements. Attempting to use the CLI to configure LLDP with an IP address that is either not configured on a VLAN or has been acquired by DHCP or Bootp results in the following error message.

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: This IP address is not configured or is a DHCP address.