Configuring the port

The option port-speed-vsa is used to configure a port to enable processing of the port speed VSAs sent from the RADIUS server after the client is authenticated.


aaa port-access <port-list> <controlled-direction|mixed|portspeed-vsa>
no aaa port-access <port-list> <controlled-direction|mixed|portspeed-vsa>

Configure 802.1X (port-based network access), MAC address-based network access, or web authentication-based network access on the switch.

controlled-direction: Configures how a port transmits traffic before it successfully authenticates a client and enters the authenticated state.

mixed: Enables or disables unauthenticated clients on ports with authenticated clients.

port-speed-vsa: Configures a port to enable the processing of the port speed VSAs sent from the RADIUS server after the client is authenticated.

The values supported are the same as used in the speed-duplex command for interfaces:

  • 10-half

  • 100-half

  • 10-full

  • 100-full

  • auto

  • auto-10

  • auto-100

  • auto-1000

  • auto-10-100

  • auto-10G

Configuring the port speed VSA

switch(config)# aaa port-access 1 port-speed-vsa
Enabling this feature may lead to lockout scenarios.