aaa port-access mac-based server-group


aaa port-access mac-based <port-num> server-group <group-name> 
 no aaa port-access mac-based <port-num> server-group <group-name> 


This command configures RADIUS server group per port for MAC authentication.

The no form of this command removes RADIUS server group configured for MAC authentication.

Command context




Specifies port or port numbers for MAC based authentication.


Specifies the RADIUS server group for MAC based authentication.


switch(config)# aaa port-access mac-based 1/D17 server-group group1
switch(config)#show port-access mac-based 1/D17 config detailed
 Port Access MAC-Based Detailed Configuration
  Port           : 1/D17         MAC-based enabled : Yes
  Client Limit   : 2             Client Moves      : No
  Logoff Period  : 250           Re-Auth Period    : 0
  Unauth VLAN ID : 0             Auth VLAN ID      : 0
  Max Requests   : 3             Quiet Period      : 60
  Server Timeout : 300           RADIUS Server Group : group1