Show meter information for a specific instance
Displays meter information. Meters are instance-specific. Meters are supported only in hardware tables; the maximum number of meters differs between platforms. DSCP remark meter is supported only in standard match mode. Further, DSCP remark type band meter cannot be attached to flows with a non-IP match.
When a same OpenFlow meter is used two or more times in an OpenFlow pipeline, it results in the meter rates being skewed, leading to unpredictable behavior in how the packets are metered. HPE recommends not using a meter more than once in a packet pipeline to avoid undesired behaviors.
show openflow instance <instance-name>
Example: Display meters for an OpenFlow instance
switch(of-inst-test)# show openflow instance test meters OpenFlow Instance Meters Meter ID : 17 Flow Count : 0 Input Packet Count : 0 Input Byte Count : 0 Duration : 6 Packet/Byte Band Type Rate Count --------- ---------------- -------------------- Drop 500 kbps 0