Controller error messages

Deleting an unconfigured controller

Attempt to delete a controller that has not been configured results in an error message similar to the following: switch(vlan-3)# no openflow controller-id 2 [controller-id] 2 not found.

Configure or modifying an existing controller

Attempting to configure a controller that exists or modifying the parameters of an existing controller results in an error message similar to the following: A controller is already configured with this ID.

Associated controllers

Attempting to delete existing controllers previously associated with an OpenFlow instance result in an error message similar to the following: Controller cannot be removed when in use by an OpenFlow instance.

Setting IP Control Table mode

Attempting to set IP Control Table Mode when the switch is in compatible mode results in an error message similar to the following:

IP Control Table Mode cannot be set when V1 module is enabled.

Specifying an invalid flow table

Attempting to specify an invalid flow table ID results in an error message similar to the following:

Invalid flow table number

Listen port or controller error

Commands issued from listen port or controllers are not successful.

  1. Enable debug openflow, which displays the switch output, helping you determine whether the error occurs at the switch or the controller.
  2. Enable debug openflow instance [instance-name] to further identify the error.
  3. Verify the packet capture for the request and reply to isolate whether the error is occurring at the switch or the controller.

    This problem occurs if some controllers do not fully conform to the specification and therefore cannot handle replies from the switch. The replies in the packet capture are visible from the switch, but not from the controller.

  4. Enable debug destination session to further identify the error.

Specifying a port

An attempt to specify an application port that is out of range results in an error message similar to the following:

Invalid port. Valid range is 1024–65534.