Configuring OpenFlow instances
Configuration changes are not allowed when instance is enabled. Disable the instance and make instance-specific configuration changes.
For a named instance to be enabled, a listen port or a controller, and a member VLAN must be added to the instance.
To enable an aggregate instance, a listen-port or a controller has to be added to the instance.
For more on Aggregation Mode, see Aggregation mode.
For more on Virtualization Mode, see Virtualization mode.
openflow instance {instance-name | aggregate} [enable | disable]
no openflow instance {instance-name | aggregate} enable
form of the command deletes
all OpenFlow configurations for the instance.
Creates an OpenFlow instance.
Instance names can have a maximum length of 32 case-insensitive alphanumeric characters, numerals, and underscore.
Creates an OpenFlow instance that includes all VLANs except the management VLAN and the OpenFlow controller VLANs. See Aggregation mode for details on the use of this parameter.
Enables the named OpenFlow instance or aggregate.
Disables the named OpenFlow instance or aggregate.