show trunks


show trunks <PORT-LIST>


Omitting the <PORT-LIST> parameter results in a static trunk data listing for all LAN ports in the switch.

Static trunk group

In a switch where ports A4 and A5 belong to Trunk 1 and ports A7 and A8 belong to Trunk 2, you have the options shown in Listing specific ports belonging to static trunks and Example of a show trunk listing without specifying ports for displaying port data for ports belonging to static trunks.

Using a port list specifies, for switch ports in a static trunk group, only the ports you want to view. In this case, the command specifies ports A5 through A7. However, because port A6 is not in a static trunk group, it does not appear in the resulting listing:

Listing specific ports belonging to static trunks

The show trunks <PORT-LIST> command in the above example includes a port list, and thus shows trunk group information only for specific ports that have membership in a static trunk. In Example of a show trunk listing without specifying ports, the command does not include a port list, so the switch lists all ports having static trunk membership.

Example of a show trunk listing without specifying ports

switch# show trunks

 Load Balancing

 Port | Name                    Type      | Group Type
 ---- + ----------------------- --------- + ----- -----
 4    | Print-Server-Trunk      10/100TX  | Trk1  Trunk
 5    | Print-Server-Trunk      10/100TX  | Trk1  Trunk
 7    |                         10/100TX  | Trk2  Trunk
 8    |                         10/100TX  | Trk2  Trunk