ntp server


ntp server [IP-ADDR|<IPv6-ADDR>] [<SERVER-NAME>] [key <KEY-ID>] [OOBM] 
[max-poll <MAX-POLL-VAL>][min-poll <MIN-POLL-VAL>][burst | iburst] [version <1-4>]

no ntp server [<IP-ADDR|IPv6-ADDR>] [server-name] [key <KEY-ID>] [oobm] [max-poll <MAX-POLL-VAL>][min-poll <MIN-POLL-VAL>][burst | iburst] [version <1-4>]


This command is used to configure the NTP servers using a variety of parameters. A maximum of 8 NTP servers may be configured.

The no version of this command removes parameters from the NTP servers.



Sets the IPv4 address of the NTP server.


Sets the IPv6 address of the NTP server.


User configured host name will be saved in config. Hostname is resolved and IP address is updated to the existing NTP protocol data structure.


Specifies the authentication key.


Specifies that the NTP Unicast server is accessible over an OOBM interface.


Configures the minimum time intervals in seconds. Range is 4–17.


Configures the maximum time intervals in power of 2 seconds. Range is 4–17 (e.g., 5 would translate to 2 raised to 5 or 32).


Enables burst mode.


Enables initial burst mode.


Sets version 1–4.

ntp server configuration

Switch(config)# ntp
server          Allow the software clock to be synchronized by an NTP
time server.
broadcast       Operate in broadcast mode.
unicast         Operate in unicast mode.

Switch(config)# ntp server
IP-ADDR         IPv4 address of the NTP server. 
IPV6-ADDR       IPv6 address of the NTP server.
NAME            Server name of NTP servers.

Switch(config)# ntp server <IP-ADDR>
Key             Specify the authentication key.

Switch(config)# ntp server <IP-ADDR> key key-id
Max-poll        Configure the maximum time intervals in seconds.

Switch(config)# ntp server <IP-ADDR> key key-id max-poll
<4-17>          Enter an integer number.

Switch(config)# ntp server <IP-ADDR> key key-id
Min-poll        Configure the minimum time intervals in seconds.

Switch(config)# ntp server <IP-ADDR> key key-id min-poll
<4-17>          Enter an integer number.

Switch(config)# ntp server <IP-ADDR> key key-id prefer max-poll 
<max-poll-val> min-poll <min-poll-val>
iburst          Enable initial burst (iburst) mode.
burst           Enable burst mode.

Switch(config)# ntp server IP-ADDR key key-id prefer maxpoll <number>
minpoll <number> iburst