Running configuration changes and SNMP traps
[no] snmp-server enable trapsfig-change transmission-interval <0-4294967295>
Enables SNMP traps on running configurations.
Parameters and options
- running-con
Enables SNMP traps being sent when changes to the running configuration file are made. Defaults to disabled.
- transmission-interval <0-2147483647>
Controls the egress rate for generating SNMP traps for the running configuration file. The value configured specifies the time interval in seconds that is allowed between the transmission of two consecutive traps.
None of the running configuration change events that occur within the specified interval generate SNMP traps, although they are logged in the Configuration Changes History Table.
A value of 0 (zero) means there is no limit; traps can be sent for every running configuration change event. Defaults to 0.