About using SNMP to configure no-tag-added
The MIB object hpicfBridgeDontTagWithVlan is
used to implement the no-tag-added
option, as shown
hpicfBridgeDontTagWithVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This oid mentions whether VLAN tag is part of the mirror'ed copy of the packet. The value ‘enabled' denotes that the VLAN tag shouldn't be part of the mirror'ed copy; ‘disabled' does put the VLAN tag in the mirror'ed copy. Only one logical port is allowed. This object is persistent and when written the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hpicfBridgeMirrorSessionEntry 2 }