Saving the current configuration before a software upgrade

Before updating to a new version of software, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the show config files command to display your current configuration files:
    switch(config)# show config files
    Configuration files:
     id | act pri sec | name
      1 |  *   *   *  | config1
      2 |             | config2
      3 |             |
  2. To save a configuration file for software version K.12.43, for example, type:
    switch(config)# copy config config1 config configK1243.cfg

    Choose any name for the saved configuration file that you prefer.

  3. Display the configuration files as shown in the following example. Note the newly created configuration file listed.
    switch(config)# show config files
    Configuration files:
     id | act pri sec | name
      1 |  *   *   *  | config1
      2 |             | config2
      3 |             | configK1243.cfg
  4. Update the switch to the desired version, for example, K.12.51. Enter the show flash command to see the results. The switch is now running the software version K.12.51.
    switch(config)# show flash
    Image           Size(Bytes)   Date   Version  Build #:
    -----           ----------  -------- -------  -------
    Primary Image   : 6771179   04/17/08 K.12.51    304
    Secondary Image : 7408949   11/06/08 K.12.43    123
    Boot Rom Version: K.12.12
    Default Boot    : Primary
  5. To run the prior software version (K.12.43 in this example), type:
    switch(config)# boot system flash secondary config configK1243.cfg
  6. After rebooting, the switch is running software version K.12.43 and is using the configuration file that you saved for this software version, configK1243.cfg.
  7. You can also save the K.12.43 configuration file on a TFTP server. To reload the K.12.43 version of the software again, reload the configuration file before doing the reload.