Viewing loop protection status in VLAN mode


show loop-protect port-list

Displays the loop protection status for VLANs. If no ports are specified, the information is displayed only for the ports that have loop protection enabled.

Viewing loop protection information for VLAN mode

switch(config)# show loop-protect 1-2

 Status and Counters - Loop Protection Information

 Transmit Interval (sec)   : 5
 Port Disable Timer (sec)  : 5
 Loop Detected Trap        : Enabled
 Loop Protect Mode         : Vlan
 Loop Protect Enabled VLANs : 20,30

      Loop   Loop     Detected  Loop     Time Since  Rx          Port
Port Protect Detected on VLAN   Count    Last Loop   Action      Status
---- ------- -------- --------- -------- ----------- ----------  ---------
1    Yes     Yes        20      1        45s        send-disable Down
2    Yes     No                 0                   send-disable Up