Showing PVLAN configurations

  • To show all configured PVLANs, enter the show vlans private-vlan command without specifying parameters.
    switch(config)# show vlans private-vlan
     Configuration and Association – private VLANs
      primary  secondary  VLAN Type  
      -------  ---------  ---------
      300      301        isolated
               302        community
               303        community  
  • To show information about a specific PVLAN, enter the show vlans [<VLAN-ID>] private-vlan command and specify the VLAN ID of a VLAN in the PVLAN.

    Example output if the VLAN is a primary VLAN:

    switch(config)# show vlans 300 private-vlan 
     Private VLAN Configuration Information: VLAN 300
      VLAN Type : primary
      Port Type         Ports       
      ------------      ----
      Promiscuous       1/A2
      Member            Trk1
     Associated Secondary VLANs:
      VLAN ID   VLAN type    Access Ports 
      -------   ---------    ------------  
      301       isolated     1/8-1/9,Trk1
      302       community    1/17-1/18,Trk1
      303       community    1/19-1/20,Trk1

    Example output if the VLAN is a secondary VLAN:

    (config)# show vlans 301 private-vlan
     Private VLAN Configuration Information: VLAN 301
      VLAN Type     : isolated  
      Access ports  : 1/8-1/9,Trk1
     Associated Primary VLAN: 300
      Port Type         Port       
      -----------       ----
      Promiscuous        1/A2
      Member             Trk1
  • To show the promiscuous ports of all PVLANs, enter the show private-vlan promiscuous-ports command.
    switch(config)# show private-vlan promiscuous-ports
      primary VLAN    Port  
      -------------  ------    
      300             1/A2