Logging origin-id

Use the logging origin-id command to specify the content for the hostname field.


logging origin-id [ip-address|hostname|none]

[no] logging origin-id [ip-address|hostname|none]

To reset the hostname field content back to default (IP-address), use the no form of the command.


Creates a filter to restrict which events are logged.


Adds an IPv4 address to the list of receiving syslog servers.


Adds an IPv6 address to the list of receiving syslog servers.


Sends the Syslog messages with the specified origin-id.


Notifies the specified type sent to the syslog server(s).


A text string associated with the values of facility, severity, and system-module.


Event messages of the specified severity or higher sent to the syslog server.


Event messages of the specified system module (subsystem) sent to the syslog server.


Sets the hostname of the device as the origin-id.


Disables origin-id in the syslog message.

Add an IP address to the list of receiving syslog servers.

Use of no without an IP address specified will remove all IP addresses from the list of syslog receivers. If an IP address is specified, that receiver will be removed. Both link-local with zone ID and global IPv6 addresses are supported.

  • Specify syslog server facility with the option <facility>. The command no logging <facility> sets the facility back to defaults.

  • Specify filtering rules.

  • Specify severity for event messages to be filtered to the syslog server with the option <severity>. The command no logging <severity> sets the severity back to default.

  • Event messages of specified system module will be sent to the syslog server. Using no sends messages from all system modules. Messages are first filtered by selected severity.

  • Specify syslog server transport layer with options [udp]|[tcp]|[tls].

  • Specify syslog server port number with options [udp PORT-NUM]|[tcp PORT-NUM]|[tls PORT-NUM].

  • Specify notification types to be sent to the syslog server.

  • Use the option transmission-interval to control the egress rate limit for transmitting notifications, 0 value means there is no rate limit. The values are in seconds. Only one syslog message is allowed for transmission within specified time interval.

  • Specify the origin information for the syslog messages with the option origin-id.


When the syslog server receives messages from the switch, the IPv6 address of the switch is partly displayed.


Configured Host Ipv6 Address: 2001::1

Expected Syslog message:

Syslog message: USER.INFO: Oct 11 02:40:02 2001::1 00025 ip:
ST1CMDR: VLAN60: ip address configured on vlan 60

Actual Truncated syslog message:

Syslog message: USER.INFO: Oct 11 02:40:02 2001:: 00025 ip: ST1CMDR:
VLAN60: ip address configured on vlan 60

Use the command in the following example to set the origin-id to the hostname.

Setting the origin-id to the hostname

switch(config)# logging origin-id hostname

The following syslog message will occur:

<14> Jan 1 00:15:35 2910al-24G 00076 ports: port 2 is now on-line

Use the command in the following example to set the origin-id to none (nilvalue).

Setting the origin-id to none (nilvalue)

switch(config)# logging origin-id none

The following syslog message will occur:

<14> Jan 1 00:15:35 - 00076 ports: port 2 is now on-line

Use any of the commands in the following example to set the origin-id to ip-address (default).

Setting the origin-id to ip-address (default)

switch(config)# logging origin-id ip-address

switch(config)# no logging origin-id hostname

switch(config)# no logging origin-id none

The following syslog message will occur:

<14> Jan 1 00:15:35 00076 ports: port 2 is now on-line