Configuring community names and values (CLI)

The snmp-server command enables you to add SNMP communities with either default or specific access attributes, and to delete specific communities.


[no] snmp-server community <community-name>

Configures a new community name.

  • If you do not also specify operator or manager, the switch automatically assigns the community to the operator MIB view.

  • If you do not specify restricted or unrestricted, the switch automatically assigns the community to restricted (read-only) access.

The no form uses only the <community-name> variable and deletes the named community from the switch.

[operator | manager]
Optionally assigns an access level.
  • At the operator level, the community can access all MIB objects except the CONFIG MIB.

  • At the manager level, the community can access all MIB objects.

[restricted | unrestricted]
Optionally assigns MIB access type.
  • Assigning the restricted type allows the community to read MIB variables, but not to set them.

  • Assigning the unrestricted type allows the community to read and set MIB variables.


To add the following communities:


Access Level

Type of Access


manager (Access to all MIB objects.)

unrestricted (read/write)


operator (Access to all MIB objects except the CONFIG MIB.)

restricted (read-only)

switch(config)# snmp-server community red-team
   manager unrestricted
switch(config)# snmp-server community blue-team
   operator restricted

To eliminate a previously configured community named "gold-team":

switch(config) # no snmp-server community gold-team