lacp enable-timer


lacp enable-timer <value>

no lacp enable-timer <value>


Configures the timer on expiry of which the member links disabled by LACP min-active-links functionality, will be re-enabled.

The no form of this command deletes the configured time and sets the time to default.

Command context


Example: eth-Trk



Sets the time duration to wait before enabling the disabled trunk. The time duration ranges from 0 to 604800 seconds. The default value is zero which disables the timer.


Switch(eth-Trk11)# lacp
enable-timer          Configure the time in seconds to wait before re-enabling 
                      the trunk disabled by LACP feature for minimum active links.
key                   Set the LACP key.
mad-passthrough       Enable or disable MAD passthrough on the LACP trunks.
min-active-links      Configure the threshold for the minimum number of active
                      member links in a LACP trunk group, for it to be operational.
active                Enable active LACP.
passive               Enable passive LACP.
static                Set the mode of a static LACP port to active or passive.
Switch(eth-Trk11)# lacp enable-timer
<0-604800>            Enter a number.
Switch(eth-Trk11)# lacp enable-timer 120