show ipv6 source-interface


show ipv6 source-interface
show ipv6 source-interface <radius | tacacs> <detail | status>


Show source IPv6 configuration, status or detailed information. Invoked without parameters shows configuration information for all protocols. If 'status' keyword is specified the operational status information is shown. If 'detail' keyword is specified the detailed operational status information is shown.


switch# show ipv6 source-interface tacacs

 Source-IPV6 Configuration Information

  Protocol | IPV6 Address    IPV6 Interface Admin Selection Policy 
  -------- + --------------- -------------- -----------------------
  Tacacs   | 2001:df::2      vlan-2         Configured IPv6 Address

switch# show ipv6 source-in detail 

 Source-IPV6 Detailed Information

  Protocol : Tacacs
  Admin Policy           : Configured IPv6 Address     
  Oper Policy            : Outgoing Interface          
  Source IPV6 Interface  : vlan-2      
  IPV6 Address           : 2001:00df:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002 
  Source Interface State : Down

switch# show ipv6 source-in tacacs status 

 Source-IPV6 Status Information

  Protocol | Admin Selection Policy  Oper Selection Policy  
  -------- + ----------------------- -----------------------
  Tacacs   | Configured IP Address   Outgoing Interface

switch# show ipv6 source-in ?
 detail                Show detailed information.
 radius                Specify the name of protocol
 tacacs                Specify the name of protocol