Supported MIBs and Traps
The following table contains the MIBs and Traps supported for each software feature in ArubaOS-Switch. The minimum software version is provided along with the feature name.
Software Feature (minimum software version) |
MIBs Supported |
Traps Supported |
100 Mbps Support on Smart Rate ports (16.06) |
hpSwitchConfig hpSwitchPortFastEtherMode |
N/A |
1588 PTP (16.04) |
hpSwitchConfig |
N/A |
2930F VSF with 8 Members (16.06) |
hpicfVsfVC |
hpicfVsfVCCommanderChange hpicfVsfVCMemberChange hpicfVsfVCMemberStatusChange |
ACL grouping (16.01) |
hpicfGppcv2 |
N/A |
ACL Logging Match (16.02) |
hpicfDebugLog |
N/A |
Activate firmware upgrade (16.03) |
hpicfActivate |
N/A |
Activate provision (16.02) |
hpicfActivateProvisionMode |
N/A |
Add MTU to Device Profile (16.02) |
hpicfDevConf |
N/A |
Advanced Threat Detection (16.05) |
hpicfBasic hpicfSyslog |
N/A |
Allow Unsupported Transceiver (16.02) |
hpicfTransceiver |
N/A |
ARP Throttling (16.01) |
hpicfArpThrottle |
hpicfArpThrottleExceedThresholdTrap |
ArubaMAS (16.01) |
hpicfDevConf |
N/A |
BFD (16.01) |
hpicfBfd hpicfVrrp hpicfOspf ianabfdStd rfc7330.mibrfc7331 |
N/A |
BFD on static router (16.04) |
hpicfIpRoute hpicfBfd |
N/A |
Bonjour (16.01) |
hpicfMdns |
N/A |
Clear DHCP snooping binding (16.03) |
hpicfDhcpSnoop |
N/A |
Client static IP visibility (16.03) |
hpicfIpAddress |
N/A |
Configurable Threshold Value for SNMP Traps (16.06) |
hpSwitchConfig hpicfSwitchRMONLogThreshold |
N/A |
Configure backup and restore without reboot (16.05) |
hpicfConfig |
N/A |
Configuring Traffic Templates (16.05) |
hpicRateLimit hpicfTrafficTemplate |
N/A |
Connected Devices Reporting (16.04) |
hpicfIpAddress |
N/A |
Console lockout (16.06) |
hpicfAuth hpSwitchAuthConsoleLockout |
N/A |
Critical roles (16.05) |
hpicfDot1x |
N/A |
DHCPv6 snooping (16.05) |
hpicfSavi hpicfDSnoopV6 |
hpicfDSnoopV6SourceBindingOutOfResources hpicfDSnoopV6SourceBindingErrantReply |
Device Fingerprinting with Aruba ClearPass (16.06) |
hpicfDeviceMonitor |
N/A |
DIPLDv6 (16.05) |
hpicfSavi hpicfDipldv6 |
hpicfDIPDv6SourceBindingOutOfResources hpicfDIPLDv6SourceBindingVoilations |
Downloadable User Roles (16.04) |
hpicfAutz hpicfAuth |
N/A |
Dynamic OUI based device profiling (16.04) |
hpicfDevConf hpicfDeviceIdentity |
N/A |
Federal Government Certifications (16.03) |
hpicfAuth hpSwitchConfig hpicfKeyMin hpicfSyslog |
N/A |
Federal Government Certifications: SSH-Rekey (16.04) |
hpicfAuth hpSwitchConfig |
N/A |
Federal Government Certifications: TLS version enforcement for Cloud applications (16.03) |
hpicfTlsMin |
N/A |
Federal Government Certifications: User lockout (16.04) |
Added to hpicfAuth:
N/A |
FIPS-140 (16.02) |
hpicfAuthhpicfNtp |
N/A |
FQDN support for NTP server (16.05) |
hpicfNtp |
N/A |
Front Panel Security (16.05) |
hpicfAuth |
N/A |
Global OSPF cost setting (16.05) |
hpicfOspf hpicfOspfv3 |
N/A |
Hibernation (16.04) |
hpSwitchConfig |
N/A |
Infra : Feature Preview mode (16.01) |
hpSwitchConfig |
N/A |
IP Service Level Agreement (SLA) (16.02) |
hpicflpSla |
hpicflpSlaThresholdexceeded hpicflpSlaTestCompletion hpicflpSlaThresholdPktLoss |
IP SLA - DNS and DHCP SLA, UDP jitter and VoIP SLA (16.03) |
hpicfIpSla |
N/A |
IPsec for AirWave Connection (16.02) |
hpicfAMPServer |
N/A |
IPSec tunnel to secondary controller (16.06) |
hpicfAMPServer hpicfArubaVPNBkpIPType hpicfArubaVPNBkpIP |
N/A |
IPv6 router preference (16.04) |
hpicfIpRoute |
N/A |
IPv6 ZTP for Dataport (16.06) |
hpicfAMPServer hpicfAMPServerIPType. hpicfAMPServerIP hpicfAMPServerGroup hpicfAMPServerFolder hpicfAMPServerSecret hpicfAMPServerConfigStatus |
N/A |
JSON / REST API (16.01) |
hpSwitchBasicConfig |
N/A |
Local User Roles (16.02) |
hpicfAutz hpicfLma hpicfDot1x hpicfGppcv2 hpicfUsrAuth |
N/A |
Log Blackhole/NULL Route (16.02) |
hpicflpRoute |
N/A |
MAC age (16.05) |
hpicfGenericVlan |
N/A |
MAC Authentication Toggle (16.02) |
hpicfUsrAuth |
N/A |
MAC delimiter (16.04) |
hpSwitchConfig |
N/A |
Mac pinning (16.05) |
hpicfUsrAuth hpicfLma |
N/A |
Management module preference (16.04) |
hpicfHighAvailability |
N/A |
MAS: LLDAP authentication bypass with AP (16.02.0012) |
hpicfUsrAuth |
N/A |
MVRP (16.01) |
hpicfMvrp ieee8021Bridge ieee8021qbridge |
hpicfMvrpVlanLimitReachedEvent |
Multicast Storm control (16.06) |
hpicfFfMcastStormPortConfig HpicfFfMcastStormPortConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpicfFfMcastStormPortIndex hpicfFfMcastStormMode hpicfFfMcastStormRisingpercent hpicfFfMcastStormRisingpps hpicfFfMcastStormAction hpicfFfMcastStormPortDisablTimer } |
N/A |
Net-destination (16.06) |
hpicfGppcv2PrPolicyRule |
N/A |
New CLI:
hpicfDhcpSnoop |
N/A |
New CLI:
hpicfMld |
N/A |
New CLI:
hpicfPoe |
N/A |
NTP (16.01) |
hpicfNtp rfc5907 |
N/A |
Open authentication (16.05) |
hpicfDot1x |
N/A |
OpenFlow — Custom Matches (16.02) |
hpicfOpenFlow |
N/A |
OSPF Routed Access Support (16.02) |
hpicfOspf |
N/A |
Password Complexity (16.01) |
hpicfAuth |
hpSwitchPasswordExpiryNotify |
Per-Port Initial Role (16.05) |
hpicfDot1x |
N/A |
Per Port Trust (16.02) |
hpSwitchConfig |
N/A |
Per Port Tunneled Node (16.02) |
hpicfTunneledNode |
N/A |
Per User Tunnel (16.04) |
hpicfTunneledNode |
N/A |
PIMv6 (16.05) |
hpicfPim6 |
hpicfPim6TrapControl hpicfPim6HardMRTFull hpicfPim6SoftMRTFull |
Port automatic 3rd party device detection (16.03) |
hpicfDevConf |
N/A |
Preventing double tunneling of Aruba Access Points (16.05) |
hpicfDevConf |
N/A |
Private VLAN (16.01) |
hpicfPrivateVlan |
N/A |
RADIUS availability (16.01) |
hpicfAuth |
N/A |
RADIUS tracking (16.05) |
hpicfAuth |
N/A |
RADIUS tracking (16.06) |
hpicfAuth hpSwitchRadiusTrackingPassword hpSwitchRadiusTrackDeadOnly hpSwitchRadiusTrackReqPktCount |
N/A |
Resilient 802.1x cached-reauth (16.05) |
hpicfDot1x |
N/A |
Retain Configuration on 5400R when Switching from v3–only to v2–compatible mode (16.02) |
hpSwitchConfig |
N/A |
RIPng (16.01) |
hpicfRipng |
hpicfRipngIfStateChange hpicfRipngIfConfigError hpicfRipngIfRxBadPacket |
Schedule Job (16.01) |
hpicfJobScheduler |
N/A |
SNMP Port Egress Queue (16.06) |
hpSwitchEgressQueueTxPkts hpSwitchEgressQueueTxDropPkts hpSwitchEgressQueueTxBytes hpSwitchEgressQueueTxDropBytes |
N/A |
Source IP specification for OpenFlow (16.05) |
hpicfOpenFlow |
N/A |
TLS Cipher-Disable (16.04) |
hpicfTlsMin |
N/A |
Traffic Policing with the Two Rate Three Color Marker |
hpicfGppcv2PrPolicyRule |
N/A |
Tunnel node fallback to switching (16.02.0012) |
hpicfTunneledNode |
N/A |
VSF (16.01) |
hpicfVsfVC |
hpicfVsfVCCommanderChange hpicfVsfVCMemberChange hpicfVsfVCMemberStatusChange |
VSF 4-member chain, 1G inter-link support, basic traffic forwarding (Unicast only) (16.03) | hpicfVsfVC | N/A |
VSF 4-member ring, topology change, HA, stack split, plug and play, multi-homed trunks, multicast forwarding (16.03) | hpicfVsfVC | N/A |