Displaying BGP information
To do... |
Use the command... |
Remarks |
Display information about BGP routes installed in the BGP routing information base (RIB) |
show ip
bgp |
Available in any view |
Display specific information about the route and the BGP path attributes of the route |
show ip bgp ipv4-addr/masklen
Display generic global configuration information regarding BGP |
show ip bgp general |
Display detailed information on the route if the route’s AS_PATH information matches the supplied regular expression |
show ip bgp ipv4-addr/masklen regexp aspath-reg-ex
Display all the routes in the IP routing table, including BGP routes |
show ip route |
Display only the BGP routes in the IP routing table |
show ip route bgp [ip4-addr]
Display the routes whose community information matches the supplied community numbers and also the AS_PATH information matches the supplied regular expression |
show ip bgp community comm-num... regexp aspath-reg-ex
Display the routes whose community information matches exactly the supplied community numbers and also whose AS_PATH information matches the supplied regular expression |
ip bgp community comm-num... exact regexp aspath-reg-ex
Display all routes whose AS_PATH matches the regular-expression given |
show ip bgp regex reg-ex
Display basic route information (destination and nexthop) and the communities tagged to the route in full |
Display BGP peer information |
Display in brief the BGP neighbor information |
show ip bgp summary |
Display the list of AS_PATH that BGP has learned from the routing information it has received |
ip bgp as-path |
Display the list of protocols whose routes are being redistributed into BGP |
show ip bgp redistribute |