Error log


Error Message

If the user tries to delete a user-role configured as the initial role

User role <INITIAL_ROLE_NAME> is configured as the initial role and cannot be deleted.

If the user attempts to configure more than the number of administrator configured roles

#aaa authorization user-role name roleNumber33. No more user roles can be created.

If the user enters a role name that is too long

switch# aaa authorization user-role test342....jflkdsjflk. The name must be fewer than 64 characters long.

If the user enters a role name with invalid syntax

switch# aaa authorization user-role name “this is an invalid name”. Invalid character ' ' in name.

If the user tries to delete a nonexisting user-role

User role <NON_EXISTING_ROLE_NAME> not found.

Switch# aaa authorization user-role name <DENYALL>

User role <DENYALL> is read only and cannot be modified.