Per-port attributes
LMA per-port attributes are used to apply attributes for the clients authenticated through LMA profiles. Switches support different per-port values for different authentication methods (802.1X, mac-based and web-based) configured on the same port.
- Configure unauthenticated period
switch(config)#aaa port-access local-mac 1 unauth-period 300
- Configure quiet period
Configure logoff periodswitch(config)#aaa port-access local-mac 1 quiet-period 70
Configure AuthVidswitch(config)#aaa port-access local-mac 1 logoff-period 400
switch(config)#aaa port-access local-mac 1 auth-vid 10
- Configure UnauthVid
switch(config)#aaa port-access local-mac 1 unauth-vid 12
- Configure address limit on a port
switch(config)#aaa port-access local-mac 1 addr-limit 2
- Re-authenticate clients on a port
switch(config)#aaa port-access local-mac 1 reauthenticate
- Un-configure LMA on a port
switch(config)#no aaa port-access local-mac 1