Show profile specific

Show Trust Anchor profile specific details.


(Switch_Name#)show crypto pki ta-profile [ta-profile-name]

Copy a Trust Anchor certificate to the device.


Trust Anchor Profile for the certificate.


   Profile Name         Status
-------------------- -------------- ---------------------------------
 HPE Procurve          Root Certificate Installed
 Microsoft_Inc        Pending Root Certificate Installation

This command is not available on the web UI.


If a TA profile name is specified as an argument, the Trust Anchor details for the specified TA profile name is displayed.

Profile Name          Status
--------------------  -----------------------------------------------
HPE Procurve           3 certificates installed

Trust Anchor: <print_cert for Trust Anchor>

The output format for the TA certificate is same as the format for “Certificate details” above. The “Status” field lists the total number of certificates, including intermediates and local, that references this trust anchor. Intermediate certificates are shown with local certificates, as certificates under an anchor form a tree not a list.


This command is not available on the web UI.