Secret keys

When the switch security is in enhanced secure mode, CLI commands that take a secret key as a parameter have the echo of the secret typing replaced with asterisks, unless the secret is not used for authorizing access to switch access. The input for <key-string> is prompted for interactively:

Enter key-string: ********
Re-enter key-string: ********


Enter authentication-key: ********
Re-enter authentication-key: ********
Secret key commands

Command in Standard Secure Mode

Command in Enhanced Secure Mode


key-chain <chain-name> key <1-255> key-string <key-str> key-chain <chain-name> key <1-255> key-string <key-str>  
radius-server [host <ip-addr>] key <key-str> radius-server [host <ip-addr>] key access security guide
tacacs-server [host <ip-addr>] key <key-str> tacacs-server [host <ip-addr>] key access security guide
sntp authentication key-id <1-4294967295> authentication-mode md5 key-value <key-str> [trusted] sntp authentication key-id <1-4294967295> authentication-mode md5 key-value [trusted] management and configuration guide
router ospf area <area-id> virtual-link <ip-addr> authentication-key <key-str> router ospf area <area-id> virtual-link <ip-addr> authentication-key multicast and routing guide
vlan <vid> ip rip [<ip-addr>] authentication-key vlan <vid> ip rip [<ip-addr>] authentication-key multicast and routing guide
vlan <vid> ip ospf [<ip-addr>] authentication-key <key-str> vlan <vid> ip ospf [<ip-addr>] authentication-key multicast and routing guide
encrypt-credentials [pre-shared-key <hex | plaintext> <key-str>] encrypt-credentials [pre-shared-key <hex | plaintext>] access security guide