Viewing a named source-port filer

You can list all source-port filters configured in the switch, both named and unnamed, and their action using the showcommand below.


show filter source-port
Displays a listing of configured source-port filters, where each filter entry includes a Filter Name, Port List, and Action:
Filter Name

The filter-name used when a named source-port filter is defined. Non-named source-port filters are automatically assigned the port or port trunk number of the source port.

Port List

Lists the port and port trunk destinations using the filter. Named source-port filters that are not in use display NOT USED.


Lists the ports and port trunks dropped by the filter. If a named source-port filter has been defined but not configured, this field is blank.

[ index ]

For the supplied index (IDX) displays the action taken (Drop or Forward) for each destination port on the switch.