Defining and configuring named source-port filters

The named source-port filter command operates from the global configuration level.


[no] filter source-port named-filter <filter-name>

Defines or deletes a named source-port filter. The <filter-name> may contain a maximum of 20 alpha-numeric characters (longer names may be specified, but they are not displayed.) A filter-name cannot be a valid port or port trunk name. The maximum number of named source-port filters that can be used is equal to the number of ports on a switch. A named source-port filter can only be removed if it is not in use (use the show filter source-port command to check the status). Named source-port filters are not automatically deleted when they are no longer used. Use the no option to delete an unused named source-port filter


filter source-port named-filter <filter-name>drop <destination-port-list>

Configures the named source-port filter to drop traffic having a destination on the ports and port trunks in the <destination-port-list>. Can be followed by the forwardoption if you have other destination ports or port trunks previously set to drop that you want to change to forward.

For example:filter source-port named-filter <filter-name>drop <destination- port-list> forward <destination-port-list>.

The destination-port-listmay contain ports, port trunks, and ranges (for example 3-7 or trk4-trk9) separated by commas.


filter source-port named-filter <filter-name>forward <destination-port-list>

Configures the named source-port filter to forward traffic having a destination on the ports and port trunks in the <destination-port-list>.Since “forward” is the default state for destinations in a filter, this command is useful when destinations in an existing filter are configured for “drop” and you want to change them to ”forward”. Can be followed by the dropoption if you have other destination ports set to forward that you want to change to drop.

For example: filter source-port named-filter <filter-name>forward <destination-port-list> drop <destination-port-list>

A named source-port filter must first be defined and configured before it can be applied. In the following example two named source-port filters are defined, web-onlyand accounting.
 switch(config)# filter source-port named-filter webonly
switch(config)# filter source-port named-filter accounting
By default, these two named source-port filters forward traffic to all ports and port trunks.
To configure a named source-port filter to prevent inbound traffic from being forwarded to specific destination switch ports or port trunks, the dropoption is used. For example, on a 26-port switch, to configure the named source-port filter web-only to drop any traffic except that for destination ports 1 and 2, the following command would be used:
switch(config)# filter source-port named-filter webonly drop 3-26
A named source-port filter can be defined and configured in a single command by adding the dropoption, followed by the required destination-port-list.


While named source-port filters may be defined and configured in two steps, this is not necessary. Here we define and configure each of the named source-port filters for our example network in a single step.

Applying Example Named Source-Port Filters

Once the named source-port filters have been defined and configured we now apply them to the switch ports.

Source Port Filters Applied to Switch Ports

The show filter command shows what ports have filters applied.

Example of the show filter Command

Using the IDX value in the show filter command, we can see how traffic is filtered on a specific port (Value).The two outputs below show a non-accounting and an accounting switch port.

Showing Traffic Filtered on Specific Ports

The same command, using IDX 26, shows how traffic from the Internet is handled.

Source Port Filtering with Internet Traffic

As the company grows, more resources are required in accounting. Two additional accounting workstations are added and attached to ports 12 and 13. A second server is added attached to port8.

Expanded Network Configuration for Named Source-Port Filters

The following revisions to the named source-port filter definitions maintain the desired network traffic management, as shown in the Action column of the show command.

Showing Network Traffic Management with Source Port Filters

We next apply the updated named source-port filters to the appropriate switch ports. As a port can only have one source-port filter (named or not named), before applying the new named source-port filters we first remove the existing source-port filters on the port.

No filter source-port

The named source-port filters now manage traffic on the switch ports as shown below, using the show filter source-port command.

Named Source-Port Filters Managing Traffic