Using multiple RADIUS server groups

The authentication and accounting features on the switch can use up to fifteen RADIUS servers and these servers can be put into groups. Up to 5 groups of 3 RADIUS servers each can be configured. The authentication and accounting features can choose which RADIUS server group to communicate with. End-user authentication methods (802.1X, MAC-based and web-based) can authenticate with different RADIUS servers from the management interface authentication methods (console, telnet, ssh, web).


If there are more than 3 RADIUS hosts defined in the list of 15 and one of the first 3 is deleted, then the 4th RADIUS host in the list of 15 becomes the 3rd host in the default group "radius".

Several commands are used to support the RADIUS server group option. The RADIUS server must be configured before it can be added to a group. See Configuring the switch for RADIUS authentication for more information.

RADIUS server group command output