Web page display of access denied message

Example of webpage when unauth-vid is configured
Example of webpage when unauth-vid is not configured

The show running-config command displays the client information, including the configured access denied message.

Running configuration output displaying access denied message

 Switch(config)#show running-config

Running configuration:

; Configuration Editor; Created on release #XX.15.XX

hostname "Switch"
web-management ssl
qos dscp-map 000000 priority 0
no stack auto-join
vlan 1
   name "DEFAULT_VLAN"
   untagged 1-14,19-24
   ip address dhcp-bootp
   no untagged 15-18
vlan 100
   name "auth-vid"
   untagged 15-18
   ip address dhcp-bootp
radius-server host key 'secret'
aaa authentication port-access eap-radius
snmp-server community "public" Unrestricted
aaa port-access web-based 5
aaa port-access web-based 5 auth-vid 100
aaa port-access web-based 5 unauth-vid 1
aaa port-access web-based dhcp-addr
aaa port-access web-based access-denied-message “Please contact your system
administrator to obtain authentication privileges.” 
  • Access denied message

Running configuration output when RADIUS response is configured

 Switch(config)#show running-config

Running configuration:

; J9627A Configuration Editor; Created on release #XX.15.XX

hostname "Switch"
web-management ssl
qos dscp-map 000000 priority 0
no stack auto-join
vlan 1
   name "DEFAULT_VLAN"
   untagged 1-14,19-24
   ip address dhcp-bootp
   no untagged 15-18
vlan 100
   name "auth-vid"
   untagged 15-18
   ip address dhcp-bootp
radius-server host key 'secret'
aaa authentication port-access eap-radius
snmp-server community "public" Unrestricted
aaa port-access web-based 5
aaa port-access web-based 5 auth-vid 100
aaa port-access web-based 5 unauth-vid 1
aaa port-access web-based dhcp-addr
aaa port-access web-based access-denied-message radius-response 
  • RADIUS response