show port-access clients


show port-access clients [ethernet <PORT-LIST> |<PORT>| detailed]
 [ethernet] PORT-LIST  Show information for specified ports only.
 detailed              Show detailed client authentication status.


Shows the general port-access status information for clients by detailed status information for a specified port, list of ports or ethernet.

Command context

operator or config


ethernet <PORT-LIST>

Specifies the detailed port-access information by a list of ethernet ports.


Specifies the detailed port-access information for all.


Specifies the detailed port-access information for a client by port name.


Show the port access status of a client.

switch# show port-access clients
Downloaded user roles are preceded by *
 Port Access Client Status

  Port  Client Name   MAC Address       IP Address      User Role         Type  VLAN
  ----- ------------- ----------------- --------------- ----------------- ----- ----
  1/7   2c41387f35b9  2c4138-7f35b9     n/a             Voice_HPE         MAC   171
  1/7   d48564940c46  d48564-940c46     n/a             *DUR_prof2_PUT... MAC   100
  1/16  dur1          001517-857121     n/a             *DUR_prof2_PUT... 8021X 100
  1/17  dur1          d48564-a8afa0     n/a             *DUR_prof2_PUT... 8021X 100
  3/7   2c41387fe7f8  2c4138-7fe7f8     n/a             Voice_HPE         MAC   171
  3/7   e8393537b4a5  e83935-37b4a5     n/a             *DUR_prof2_PUT... MAC   100


Show the detailed port-access for clients.

switch# show port-access clients detailed 1/7

 Port Access Client Status Detail

  Client Base Details :
   Port            : 1/7                   Authentication Type : mac-based
   Client Status   : authenticated         Session Time        : 22203 seconds
   Client Name     : 2c41387f35b9          Session Timeout     : 0 seconds
   MAC Address     : 2c4138-7f35b9
   IP              : n/a

Downloaded user roles are preceded by *
 User Role Information

   Name                              : Voice_HPE
   Type                              :
   Reauthentication Period (seconds) : 0
   Untagged VLAN                     : 171
   Tagged VLANs                      :
   Captive Portal Profile            :
   Policy                            :
   Tunnelednode Server Redirect      : Disabled
   Secondary Role Name               :

  Client Base Details :
   Port            : 1/7                   Authentication Type : mac-based
   Client Status   : authenticated         Session Time        : 1259 seconds
   Client Name     : d48564940c46          Session Timeout     : 0 seconds
   MAC Address     : d48564-940c46
   IP              : n/a

Downloaded user roles are preceded by *
 User Role Information

   Name                              : *DUR_prof2_PUTN-3037-12
   Type                              : downloaded
   Reauthentication Period (seconds) : 0
   Untagged VLAN                     : 100
   Tagged VLANs                      :
   Captive Portal Profile            :
   Policy                            : upol2_DUR_prof2_PUTN-3037-12

Statements for policy "upol2_DUR_prof2_PUTN-3037-12"
policy user "upol2_DUR_prof2_PUTN-3037-12"
     10 class ipv4 "remark2_DUR_prof2_PUTN-3037-12" action rate-limit kbps 1000000 action priority 2 action permit
Statements for class IPv4 "remark2_DUR_prof2_PUTN-3037-12"
class ipv4 "remark2_DUR_prof2_PUTN-3037-12"
     10 match ip

   Tunnelednode Server Redirect      : Enabled
   Secondary Role Name               : authenticated