ipv6 nd ra lifetime
ipv6 nd ra lifetime
0 - 9000
tunnel context command for configuring the lifetime in seconds for the routing switch to be used as a default router by hosts on the current VLAN. This setting must be configured to a value greater than or equal to the max-interval
setting. A given host on a VLAN or tunnel refreshes the default router lifetime for a specific router each time the host receives an RA from that router. A specific router ceases to be a default router candidate for a given host if the default router lifetime expires before the host is updated with a new RA from the router.
A setting of 0 (unspecified) for default router lifetime in an RA indicates that the routing switch is not a default router on the subject VLAN or tunnel.
Default: Three times the
ra max-interval
setting. Range: unspecified
0 - 9000 seconds