Filtering options
In the default configuration, connection-rate filtering is disabled. When enabled on a port, connection-rate filtering monitors inbound IP traffic for a high rate of connection requests from any given host on the port. If a host appears to exhibit the worm-like behavior of attempting to establish a large number of outbound IP connections in a short period of time, the switch responds in one of the following ways, depending on how connection-rate filtering is configured:
- Notify only (of potential attack): While the apparent attack continues, the switch generates an Event Log notice identifying the offending host's source IP address and (if a trap receiver is configured on the switch) a similar SNMP trap notice).
- Throttle: In this case, the switch temporarily blocks inbound IP traffic from the offending host source IP address for a "penalty" period and generates an Event Log notice of this action and (if a trap receiver is configured on the switch) a similar SNMP trap notice. When the "penalty" period expires the switch re-evaluates the traffic from the host and continues to block this traffic if the apparent attack continues. (During the re-evaluation period, IP traffic from the host is allowed.)
- Block: This option blocks all IP traffic from the host. When a block occurs, the switch generates an Event Log notice and (if a trap receiver is configured on the switch) a similar SNMP trap notice. Note that a network administrator must explicitly re-enable a host that has been previously blocked.