Viewing RADIUS server group information


show server-group radius

Displays the same information as the show radius command, but displays the servers in their server groups.

Output from the show server-group radius command

switch(config)# show server-group radius

 Status and Counters - AAA Server Groups

  Group Name: radius

                  Auth  Acct  DM/  Time
  Server IP Addr  Port  Port  CoA  Window  Encryption Key
  --------------- ----- ----- ---- ------- --------------------     1812  1813  No   300     default_key     1812  1813  No   300     grp2_key     1812  1813  No   300     grp2_key     1812  1813  No   300     grp2_key

Group Name: group2
                  Auth  Acct  DM/  Time
  Server IP Addr  Port  Port  CoA  Window  Encryption Key
  --------------- ----- ----- ---- ------- --------------------     1812  1813  No   300     grp2_key     1812  1813  No   300     grp2_key     1812  1813  No   300     grp2_key

Group Name: group3
                  Auth  Acct  DM/  Time
  Server IP Addr  Port  Port  CoA  Window  Encryption Key
  --------------- ----- ----- ---- ------- --------------------    1812  1813  No   300     grp3_key    1812  1813  No   300     grp3_key    1812  1813  No   300     grp3_key

Output from the show authentication command

switch(config)# show authentication
 Status and Counters - Authentication Information

  Login Attempts : 3
  Respect Privilege : Disabled

              | Login      Login        Login
  Access Task | Primary    Server Group Secondary
  ----------- + ---------- ------------ ----------
  Console     | Local      radius       None
  Telnet      | Local      radius       None
  Port-Access | Local                   None
  Webui       | Local                   None
  SSH         | Local                   None
  Web-Auth    | ChapRadius group3       None
  MAC-Auth    | ChapRadius group3       None

              | Enable     Enable       Enable
  Access Task | Primary    Server Group Secondary
  ----------- + ---------- ------------ ----------
  Console     | Local      radius       None
  Telnet      | Radius     group2       None
  Webui       | Local                   None
  SSH         | Local                   None

Output from the show accounting command

switch(config)# show accounting

 Status and Counters - Accounting Information

  Interval(min) : 0
  Suppress Empty User : No
  Sessions Identification : Unique

  Type     | Method Mode       Server Group
  -------- + ------ ---------- ------------
  Network  | None
  Exec     | Radius Start-Stop group2
  System   | Radius Stop-Only  group2
  Commands | Radius Start-Stop radius